What's Wrong with the Turtle?

What's Wrong with the Turtle?


Back in the 70s, babies / toddlers weren’t given glasses and their eyes weren’t tested. So in hindsight, I think I was pretty myopic as a toddler. I drew tiny circles in one of my dad’s rare books when I was two. He didn’t believe a two year old was capable of such a thing and blamed the housekeeper. My myopia has continued to shape me and my perceptions.

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My Story: Chapter One

My Story: Chapter One

I was born in Colorado in 1970. According to my mother, I was a ‘difficult’ baby. I had colic, I had respiratory infections, I had worms. I was also an incredibly light sleeper (still am) and then, as now, I seemed to absorb the emotions of those around me. My mother was anxious after I was born. The world at the time seemed like it was coming apart at the seams. Assassinations, the Vietnam war, Nixon.

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New Starts

New Starts

February finds me in the thick of several writing deadlines and poised to dive back into my Creativity Deck. I've managed to squeeze in a little bit of movement, but for the most part, I’ve been chained to my chair. February 2nd is Candlemas Day (the festival of lights) and Ground Hog Day (you know the drill, shadow = more winter, no shadow = less).

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About Experimentation

About Experimentation

I've been busy working on a screenplay and a new painting. Both projects are essentially opportunities for experimentation.  As a writer, I have a tendency to fine edit as I go. As a result, the process can take a long time and I often end up carefully crafting sections that don't serve the over-all story and end up cut.  So, this time, I decided to write fast and dirty in order to get a quick 'vomit draft' complete.

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