In this lecture / seminar, Litza challenges heuristics and cognitive biases that prevent us from developing a growth mindset. She explores the presentation of self, the construction and deconstruction of social masks, and how we can transform our identities in order to effectively manage uncertainty and change.


This is a University and / or College level practical course designed to give students the tools they need to build a sustainable, meaningful, and livable career. This course is useful for students from a wide variety of creative fields (Art, Dance, Theatre, Film, Design, Photography, Music and Creative Writing) but will focus on the larger spheres of Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Film and Entertainment.

We will explore the dynamic world of creative work, as well as the shifting structures and power dynamics that will impact students in their future careers.

We’ll also examine how and why work is changing, and explore: AI tools, unions, ‘solopreneurs’, the ‘gig economy’, contract work and freelancing, ‘multi-hyphonates’, democracy in the workplace, alternative company structures (cooperatives, non-profits etc), power relations, structural diversity and equality, insurance and working within a global economy.

Through practical coursework and assignments, we’ll also touch on social capital, networking, values, job hunting, grant writing, pitching, negotiating, writing compelling bios, building a website, resumes / CVs and utilizing social media.


From fight and action sequences, to dance cutes, parties, and zombies; movement is an important, yet often over-looked aspect of filmmaking. In this lecture, Litza explores the use of movement and physical action in film and television - and examines how rhythm, timing and spectacle contribute to story telling.


This is a University level course that focuses on creativity as a base potential that is accessible to everyone. Creativity, like many skills, can be under-developed and it can be improved.

Students will examine creativity as a form of cognition that interacts with its environment. We will explore how creativity intertwines with human sociocultural development, scientific and technological innovation, and the political and economic structures that underpin and interact with creative ideas, the creative process and its material products.


This is a University level course that explores the creative process within a collaborative environment. Students will build the tools needed to collaborate effectively and then apply those tools to a final multi-media collaborative project.

Through experiential labs, students will learn techniques for effective collaboration and gain essential industry skills. They should come prepared to move and listen, and be comfortable sharing their ideas with others.